LinkedIn  briannovak
GitHub  bnovak1
Phone   +1-620-214-1850

I have over 15 years of experience as a computational scientist. My work involves designing, parameterizing, and optimizing molecular simulation models to analyze and predict molecular behavior and properties. I have applied molecular simulations to various systems, including biomolecular systems such as proteins, DNA, lipids, and lignin; the interaction of biomolecules with non-biological materials; rapid solidification of metals and alloys; growth of Cu on TiN; and bubble nucleation.

My work has resulted in the publication of 21 research papers and I have collaborated with multidisciplinary teams and students on over 15 projects. I have worked with people from various backgrounds including engineering, computer science, physics, and chemistry, and collaborated with experimentalists on multiple projects. I also served as a leader and mentor for multiple undergraduate and graduate students as they worked on their research projects.

I possess strong skills in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data visualization, and programming in Python, SQL, MATLAB, bash, and other languages.

See below for more information.